Answered By: Page Brannon
Last Updated: Feb 06, 2020     Views: 317

The Consortium Library has a public wireless network that anyone can login to, and a wireless network that requires logging in with a UAA or APU login and password.

There is not currently a limit on duration of public WiFi access per day. For details on public WiFi access, see the Wireless at the bottom of this page:  

Additionally, UAA students, staff, and faculty can use any of the computers at the library to access the internet using their blackboard login credentials.

Community members can get access to the internet for one hour a day on the public access computers with a public library card. 

Comments (2)

  1. Is there a limit on duration of public wifi access per day?
    by Rima Butler on Jan 14, 2019
  2. There is not currently a limit on duration of public wifi access per day. For details on public wifi access, see the Wireless section of this page:
    by Ruth D. Terry on Jan 15, 2019

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