Answered By: Jodi Jacques
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2023     Views: 983

If you know the author's name, or the Thesis title, use the Library Catalog to do a search by author or title.

If you want to see a listing of all UAA or APU theses, change the search field to Subject in the Library Catalog, and type into the search box: Dissertations. University of Alaska Anchorage OR Dissertations. Alaska Pacific University.

The Consortium Library currently collects 2 copies of UAA and APU theses for inclusion in the collection. Both copies receive a subject call number; one copy is placed in the circulating collection and can be checked out, while the second copy is placed in the RARE book collection located in Archives & Special Collections on the Third Floor. With some older APU theses, the only copy may be in Rare. In 2013, UAA switched to electronic theses which will are available through the link below.

To locate a Dissertation published at American or Canadian universities dating back to the mid-nineteenth century, Dissertations & Theses Global database may be a useful source:

From the link above, you can search by Author's name, University or College where published, Subject Headings, Keywords, Titles/Words in Title, etc.  The full text will often be available to you.  Don't forget to examine the bibliography of the Thesis or Dissertation for additional sources.

Theses and Dissertations can also be found in many of our databases.  When searching, you can often select Theses & Dissertations as a format option.

If you need further assistance, you can talk with a librarian in person at the Reference Desk on the first floor of the library under the "Ask Us" sign or you can call us at 786-1848.

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